Friday, February 27, 2009

Breast growth and Anabolic Steroids Part 2

The chief reason gynecomastia occurs in individuals who take anabolic steroids is that there is a relatively large amount of estrogen in the body. The estrogen has the ability to stimulate breast growth. Once a body builder takes anabolic steroids, the breast enlargement will occur in a matter of months. Sometimes the breast growth will occur at the end of 9-12 months of continuous use of steroids. Other substances that can also increase breast growth are alcohol, amphetamines, marijuana, heroin and use of certain pharmaceutical drugs.

Medical disorders that can cause breast enlargement include cancers of the pituitary gland, testes or the failure of the liver and kidney or starvation.

Breast enlargement has no physical complication in males. The breast will never grow to the size seen in females, no matter how long the drugs are used. At most, the breast may grow into the size of a golf ball or slightly larger. The major complication of breast enlargement after use of anabolic steroids in men is psychological. Most men get embarrassed and are shy to take off their shirt.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Breast growth and Anabolic Steroids Part 1

Gynecomastia is swelling of breast tissues. While this condition is seen in young boys and men, the cause is typically an imbalance of the two sex hormones- estrogen and testosterone. Other causes of gynecomastia include liver and kidney disease. However, in recent years, gynecomastia has also become an obvious finding in a few bodybuilders who use illicit drugs and anabolic steroids. These drugs either contain estrogen or are converted into the body into an estrogen.

is not a medical disorder that is life threatening or something to be worried about. In men, gynecomastia is simply a cosmetic disorder and causes embarrassment.

The majority of individuals who take anabolic steroids do not develop breast enlargement. For those who do, the symptoms are minimal. Initially there are no symptoms but with time most individuals will notice the obvious breast swelling. Sometimes the breasts will be tender especially around the nipples. This tender feeling around the breasts for some unknown reason is not sexual but embarrassing.

Ephedra 101 part 3

Side effects

Ephedra at low doses does not do much, but when the drug is taken for long periods and in high doses, the side effects are quite obvious. The side effects include:

- skin itchiness
- hot flushed skin
- extreme irritability and nervousness
- dizziness
- tremors
- headaches
- inability to sleep
- profuse sweating
- high body temperate
- fast heart rate

When the alkaloid is taken in high doses, it can even cause seizures, heart attack, stroke and even death.


One of the major problems with ephedra was that the product sold in health food stores was unregulated. Each store sold a different formulation with unknown dose. The quality and the quantity in most cases was not known. Plus, many of the herbal medications came from the Orient. And there have been many reports of fake and counterfeit drugs. Coupled with contamination and lack of quality, the FDA finally banned the drug from sale. There have been many studies which have shown that the dose of ephedrine from one store to another frequently varied by 10 folds- and this was in the same brand. No wonder why side effects developed!

The health supplement, Metabolite, had ephedra as its constituent and there were thousands of complaints of adverse reactions with this product, including death. It was the death of Steve Belcher (Orioles pitcher) which led the FDA to finally clamp down on ephedra sales. Despite legal challenges by many weight loss firms who sold, ephedra, the drug is only now available on the black market.


Ephedra is very easily detected in the urine. So for those who take it, it must be understood that the alkaloid can be identified in the urine at least 7-10 days after the last dose.


For those still seeking ephedra, the other option is bitter orange which has similar effects as ephedra- and is legal. Studies today indicate that it has similar side effects like ephedra. So far, the going has been smooth for bitter orange

Ephedra 101 part 2


Ephedra is an alkaloid which contains ephedrine and pseudoephedrine. These two substances are commonly found in many decongestants. In the olden days, ephedrine was also used in the hospital settings to increase blood pressure in patients who were in shock.

Ephedrine is a brain stimulant and is also considered a performance enhancing drug. Of course, it is banned by most sports organizations.


Ephedrine is often classified as a brain stimulant and also as a thermogenic agent. Its primary effects are due to ephedrine and pseudoephedrine. These chemical can stimulate the brain, increase heart rate, raise blood pressure and also make breathing a lot easier. As a thermogenic agent it can increase metabolism, generate more energy and also produces heat. Because of the thermogenic properties, it was once widely used as a weight loss agent.

Herbal products

Ephedra containing herbal products include apricot kernel, gypsum, and licorice

Ephedra in sports

Ephedra is still widely used by athletes. While there is no real proof that it does anything, individuals who take it claim that it allows them to perform better and improves exercise endurance. For sporting activities which require sudden bursts of energy, there is evidence that ephedra can provide a boost. Weight lifters have indicated that after taking ephedra, they are able to lift more weights. The other reason why ephedra is taken is because it can help one get rid of body fat. It is a potent weight loss agent.

When combined with caffeine and aspirin, it can cause weight loss of at least 2-3 pounds/month- all fat. Many studies have shown that in short term, this formulation is quite effective for weight loss. The only reason ephedra is not prescribed for weight loss is because of its adverse effects.

Ephedra is widely used at all levels of sports. Beside professional athletes, the alkaloid is also used at the college levels and in high schools.

Ephedra 101 part 1

Ephedra is an alkaloid derived from the plant, ephedra sinica. This plant alkaloid has been used by the Chinese as a herbal medicine for over 5000 years. Ephedra has traditionally been used to treat a wide variety of disorders include asthma, hay fever, sinusitis , common cold, and other viral illnesses. Others even use ephedra on a regular basis to diminish fatigue and generate energy.

Today, ephedra is used by many cultures including Middle Easterners, Orientals, Asians and even North Americans. Some people eat the plant, other chew the leaves, there are pills of ephedra, and one can even drink it with a beverage.

Ephedra was once the most sold dietary supplement in North America. It was widely available and sold without a prescription. Over the years, it was observed by the FDA that the substance was associated with a fair number of complications including heart attacks and deaths.

In 2004, FDA banned the sale of ephedra and ephedra containing products from all health food stores. Today, the sale of ephedra in the USA is illegal. Now that ephedra is gone, it has been replaced with bitter orange.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Water pills (Diuretics) and Bodybuilding

Water pills are commonly used in the treatment of many medical disorders like high blood pressure and heart failure. These pills act by removing excess water from the body. The pills not only excrete water but also remove some potassium and sodium from the body. The water pills are generally safe when used as directed by health care professional.

Recently, there has been a craze among athletes and body builders about these pills. Anything that sounds like a pill and athletes want to pop it in their mouth. The drugs act rather quickly and can get rid of body water.

Boxer, wrestlers and other athletes often take water pills to get to a certain weight limit before a competition. One can take the water pills for 24-48 hours and easily lose a few pounds. However, while one may attain the weight limit, this excess water can cause tiredness, dehydration and exhaustion.

The other reason why athletes take water pills is to get rid of any other illegal or illicit drugs in the body. For example, some banned drugs can be rid of by taking water pills- at least this is what is supposed to happen. This is only true of drugs which are excreted by the kidney. In fact, the majority of anabolic steroids are first broken down by the liver and then excreted by the kidney.

Well the sports governing bodies are not that stupid. Not only do they look for anabolic steroids in the urine but also screen for water pills. Today, we have sophisticated detecting systems that can identify minute amounts of most steroids and drugs weeks after they have been discontinued.

When water pills are ingested in high doses in a short period of time, the possible side effects include:

- Weakness, dehydration
- Fatigue, exhaustion and lack of energy
- Muscle cramps due to loss of potassium, calcium
- Heart palpitations

There are many types of water pills but they all work in a similar way. For the athlete who wants to rapidly lose weight or get rid of banned substances from the body, water pills is not the best way. Water pills in a healthy person do nothing good and a lot of bad. The only way to hide a banned substance in the body is not to take it in the first place.


Friday, February 13, 2009

Anavar (oxandrolone) part 4


All anabolic steroids have the potential to damage the liver and cause jaundice. There are many cases of individuals who have developed both liver dysfunction and even growths on the liver. The most serious complication of any anabolic steroid is liver cancer and thus, all individuals who do take Anavar should be aware of this complication. Perhaps routine liver enzymes and even an annual ultrasound of the liver would not be a bad idea.


The majority of anabolic steroids are generally quite safe and overdose is very unlikely. Even if one were to take many pills, the acute effects of Anavar are not life threatening- but you won’t be feeling great for a long time. In any case, a visit to the Emergency room is highly recommended if such an event were to occur. The treatment of all steroidal overdose is supportive.

The price of Anavar for 100 tablets (2.5mg) ranges anywhere from $100-$150. However, the drug is in high demand and there are a lot of reports about counterfeit Anavar formulations. Many suppliers sell fake drugs and because the buyer is performing an illegal act to begin with, he/she has little recourse. Always get your supply from a reputable dealer. Many body builders also get their supplies from Mexico, but the purity or the quality cannot be guaranteed. On the other hand, if you want to be safe and have the money, the “real” Anavar sold from the pharmacies costs anywhere from $700-1200 for 100 tablets.


Anavar and its metabolites are easily detected in the urine. Most of the major sports organizations now regularly screen the urine for all anabolic steroids. Some metabolites of Anavar will remain in the body anywhere from 7-14 days after the last dose.


Anavar is a Controlled substance and its selling and distribution is forbiden in the USA. The DEA regularly monitors the sell of this drug both in pharmacies and over the internet. Since the drug is not for clinical use in the USA, even personal possession of Anavar is considered a crime.

Anavar (oxandrolone) part 3


For use in patients for anemia or to help individuals gain weight, the adult dose of Anavar is 2.5- 20 mg/day in 2-4 divided doses. Some individuals see a response with the lowest dose and others require a large dose. The duration of therapy is usually 3-6 weeks. The dose is increased gradually when no response is seen in the first 4 weeks. Oxandrin is available as a tablet in doses of 2.5 mg or 10 mg.

Like all anabolic steroids, Oxandrin also has some side effects. At the low doses, the majority of side effects are minor. The side effects at low dose may include some minor abdominal discomfort, nausea or diarrhea. However, at high doses the side effects include:

- jaundice
- rare hepatic necrosis
- liver cancers
- general malaise
- testicular atrophy
- hair loss
- breast enlargement
- stomach cramps, nausea, bloating
- acne, oily skin
- diarrhea
- menstrual irregularities
- testicular atrophy

The majority of these side effects are reversible when the drug is stopped.


There are a few conditions where Oxandrolone should not be used. These include patients with:

- suspected prostate cancer
- breast cancer in male or female
- pregnancy
- if there is evidence of hypercalcemia
- allergy to anabolic steroids

Body builders

Many bodybuilders take Anavar. The drug is easily absorbed after ingestion and should be taken with a meal. The typical dose for men is one tablet twice a day. Females need to take only one tablet a day. The majority of body builders usually start at the low dose. Many athletes combine Anavar with other drugs, since at low doses Anavar has minimal side effects. It is often combined with dianabol, winstrol or anadrol. The duration of treatment is anywhere from 4-8 weeks. The exact dosage to begin treatment is variable but most experts recommend 5 mg total per day and gradually increasing the dose over 2-3 weeks.

Anavar is heavily favored by women because it has minimal virilizing effects at low dose. However, if the dose is greater than 5 mg per day and if the duration of treatment is longer than 6 weeks, signs of musculanization will become evident. The weight gain by Anavar is slow and gradual. Most body builders see weight gain after 3-4 weeks.

Signs of Virilization include the following:

- Deep voice
- Decrease libido
- Clitoral enlargement
- Acne
- Excessive hair growth

Women who do develop virilizing signs should stop the drug immediately. While the acne and excessive hair growth may reverse, the other virilizing signs are not always reversible.

Anavar (oxandrolone) part 2


Oxandrin is a both an anabolic steroid and has all the properties of an androgenic drug. The actions of the drug are similar to those seen with testosterone. At low doses the drug has selective anabolic properties, but at high doses, it also has potent androgenic activity.

When used at high doses, the drug can influence the hypothalamus and suppress the release of the Gonadotropins and this leads to a decrease in the synthesis of testosterone. Like all other anabolic steroids, Oxandrin also increases the levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol and decreases the levels of “good” HDL cholesterol. Anavar is one of the few anabolic steroids which is not converted to estrogen at low doses.


The drug is rarely used in clinical medicine. In the past decades, it was used to treat individuals with a variety of anemias, weight loss in HIV patients and was once tried out as treatment for osteoporosis. However, the widespread abuse of this drug led Searle in 1989, to cease production of the drug.

Anavar is made by Savient Pharmaceutical, under the trade name Oxandrin. Today, some physicians do prescribe Oxandrin to treat moribund patients gain weight after trauma, burns or serious infections. Sometimes it is combined with corticosteroids for the treatment of bone pain in cancer patients.

For more on Oxandrin, visit

Anavar (oxandrolone)

Anavar is also known as Oxandrin or oxandrolone. In the sports arena, this steroid is also sold as lipodex and nilavar.

Anavar is a mild anabolic steroid and widely used by many athletes and body builders. The chief reason for its use is that the drug can help one gain weight. One of the main reasons why this drug is very popular among athletes is that it does not get converted into estrogen. This results in less gynecomastia. Some even claim that the water retention is much less with this drug.

Anavar was first introduced in the North American Market nearly 50 years ago. During the early days it was used to treat a variety of infertility disorders, anemias and those ill individuals in hospitals who were wasting away. However, the drug is not widely used in clinical medicine today.

Anavar has two major advantages compared to other anabolic steroids. It does not get converted into estrogen and it does not significantly influence the hypothalamic pituitary tract at low doses. What this means is that because it is not broken down to estrogen, males will not develop breast enlargement.

Secondly, because it does not affect the hypothalamic pituitary axis, it does not affect the suppression of testosterone. This means that the individual taking Anavar will not have such side effects like loss of libido, impotence or testicular atrophy-features that are commonly seen with other anabolic steroids.

For more on Anavar, visit

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Blood doping and Epogen

EPO has had a long history of doping. It is widely believed that the first doping scandal occurred in the 70s. Over the past few decades almost every sport has had an athlete who has been caught doping with EPO. EPO doping has occurred in endurance sports, long distance running, cross country skinning and even billiards.

Since EPO can increase the hemoglobin and oxygen carrying capacity, it has been a favorite drug of abuse among individuals who participate in endurance events. The EPO is injected for a few weeks and the results are obvious in less than a month.

Most athletes inject the EPO a few months prior to a sporting event. The injections are then stopped at least a few weeks prior to the actual meeting to avoid detection. There have also been isolated cases of complications in athletes who have abused EPO for prolonged periods. The reason for the complication is use of excessively high doses of EPO. The EPO continues to stimulate the red blood cells which than clog up blood vessels in the brain and heart. This can lead to a stroke or a heart attack. Most of the EPO available today for illegal use is either stolen from pharmacies or obtained from Mexico or Europe. In some cases, it is illegally prescribed by physicians over the internet.

In the 1990s, EPO was finally banned by all sporting organizations. Newer and more sensitive tests have been developed to identify EPO in the urine and blood. In any sports, the urine is first checked for EPO. If there is a hint that EPO is present in the urine, the blood is tested for confirmation.

The tests for EPO today are extremely sensitive and widely accepted by the scientific community. There is absolutely no risk of getting a falsely positive test.

For more information on EPO, visit

Dosing and Indications for Epogen


EPO is only given 1-2 times a week. The drug can only be given by an injection- preferably subcutaneously. Most patients receive their Epogen injection from a nurse/physician but in some rare cases, the individual can be taught to inject him/her self. It should never be injected intravenously or taken orally. The drug comes as a liquid and should be handled with care.

EPO is a very fragile molecule and can be easily destroyed if it is not stored properly. It should never be exposed to excess heat or frozen. It should always be kept in the refrigerator and away from sunlight. EPO is available in single use vials and in multi use vials. Once the multi use vial has been opened up, the EPO will last for about 3 weeks. The dose of EPO is generally about 100 units/kg.

Once the EPO is administered, one can monitor the hematocrit over the next several weeks to see if it is working. Most doctors also recommend supplementing the body with iron tablets to compliment Epogen. A single vial of Epogen containing 1-2,000 units can cost anywhere from $100-$200, depending on where you buy and from whom you buy it from. And the purity of the product is never guaranteed if it is bought over the internet.

For more information on EPO, visit

History of Epogen

In the 1980s, it was realized that Epogen could make a significant difference in the hematocrit when administered to patients with anemia. This was followed up by its use to treat anemia in cancer patients and HIV patients treated with Zidovudine. Epogen is only administered 1-2 times a week to maintain a normal hematocrit. While many advocate that EPO should be given for other anemias, the overall consensus is that not only is EPO expensive but it may be more harmful when given empirically for other medical disorders.

EPO has been around for at least 3 decades and has been widely used in millions of individuals. It's safety and efficacy have been well documented. It is mainly used to treat anemia in patients who have chronic renal failure. When Epogen is administered, the body starts to make red blood cells and this can be monitored by measuring the hemoglobin or hematocrit levels.

Numerous studies have shown that Epogen can reduce the need for blood transfusions. Because of its expense, EPO is not given to every patient. Only after appropriate evaluation and consultation is EPO given to certain patients

For more information on EPO, visit

Epogen (erythropoietin EPO)


EPO is a glycoprotein (protein-sugar conjugate) that has been shown to regulate synthesis of red blood cells in the bone marrow. When released from the kidneys it directs it activity in the bone marrow and helps stimulate the differentiation of stem cells into red blood cells. It is a normal body chemical which control hemoglobin synthesis and red blood cell concentration. Human EPO is a medium sized molecule (30,400-dalton) and contains 165 amino acids which are coupled to a few carbohydrate and sialic acid residues. There are several sub classes of EPO in the body- they only differ in the carbohydrate content.

At birth, EPO is manufactured in the liver but shortly afterwards the kidneys become the primary source of EPO. The regulation of EPO is based on concentration of oxygen in the blood crossing the kidneys. When the kidneys sense a low oxygen concentration in blood, EPO synthesis is increased. Human Epogen was isolated from urine nearly 40 years ago. Since then we have developed recombinant DNA methods to produce EPO in the laboratory. The drug is made by Amgen and widely available globally

For more information on EPO, visit

More on Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

MSG first gained a universal reputation for eliciting a variety of symptoms, ranging from headache to dry mouth to flushing. Since the first report of the so-called Chinese restaurant syndrome 40 years ago, clinical trials have failed to identify a consistent relationship between the consumption of MSG and the group of symptoms that encompass the syndrome. Furthermore, MSG has been described as a trigger point for asthma attacks and worsening of migraine headache. But so far there are no consistent data to support this relationship. Although there have been reports that some individuals may be hypersensitive to MSG, this has not been shown in any placebo-controlled trials.

Numerous conventional toxicity studies using dietary administration of MSG in several species did not reveal any specific toxic or carcinogenic effects nor were there any adverse outcomes in reproduction and teratology studies.

There is some evidence which suggests that ingestion of large amounts (≥3g) of MSG may be responsible for causing symptoms similar to Chinese Restaurant Syndrome in a small subset of individuals. These symptoms, although unpleasant, are neither persistent nor serious and appear more likely to occur when MSG is ingested in the absence of food. As MSG would always be consumed in the presence of food, an important question that remains unanswered by the scientific literature is what effect consumption with food would have on the incidence and severity of symptoms.

So what does this mean?

Despite a prevalent belief that MSG can induce a headache, among other symptoms, there are no consistent clinical data to support any of these anecdotal claims. Review of the literature indicates that there is no consistent evidence which suggests that some people may be hypersensitive to MSG. Infact the FDA recommends that health care workers make a better effort in trying to find the real cause of the symptoms which happens to people after eating in Chinese restaurant.

Ironically one study found that eating food with MSG in a non Chinese restaurant by the same individuals had no effect. Infact, the FDA believes that Monosodium glutamate is so safe that no allocated daily requirements are even recommended. This means that one can eat all the MSG one wants and nothing will happen. For those who continue to have symptoms after eating in a Chinese restaurant- go eat elsewhere.

For more on MSG, visit

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

MSG and the Athlete– Bad or too much Hype

Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is the sodium salt of the non-essential amino acid, glutamic acid. Glutamic acid is a very common amino acid and exists freely in nature both as the free acid or as the sodium salt. In most cases, glutamate is bound to other amino acids which make up proteins.

Being an abundant acid, it makes up anywhere from 10-20% of animal protein and some plants are made up of more than 40% glutamate. Sodium glutamate is also a very common substance in all types of foods. High concentrations of this chemical are found in fresh vegetables like tomatoes, peas, mushrooms and many types of cheese.

Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a very common food flavoring agent widely used all over the world in all types of cooking and frequently used in processed food. In most cases the MSG is added as the purified salt but in some cases, it is combined with a mixture of proteins (hydrolyzed vegetable protein). Since the awareness of MSG, it has been discovered that many other food flavoring agents such as sodium caseinate and flavoring agents contain significant amounts of MSG.

The controversy about MSG in foods has been going on for at least the past 4 decades. In the 60s -80s, there were many reports of individuals developing a range of adverse reactions when they had eaten foods containing MSG. Many athletes will rather take illegal anabolic steroids and growth hormone but shun away from MSG. MSG inspires a revulsion as if it is worse than herpes. Four decades after the first reported case of MSG, the controversy still rages on. IS MSG THAT BAD?

For more on MSG, visit

L Carnitine and BodyBuilding


On the supplement market, there are literally 100s of products that contain L- carnitine. The ads always claim that L carnitine can increase exercise performance, make the body slim and improve endurance to exercise. And the one common theme in all formulations is that L carnitine burns fat and thus, increases energy.

Despite 30 years of solid research, the data on L carnitine are mixed. Both negative and positive results have been observed with the use of L carnitine in human studies. The theory that more is better is simply wrong. Carnitine is readily available from meat and dairy products and the need for supplements is completely unnecessary. The amount required for physiological functioning are so small that one can easily get all the L carnitine required by eating almost any type of food. The physiology of the body is intricately designed such that excess is simply removed. Many other studies of L carnitine in sport athletes have found it to be ineffective. Researchers have looked at effects of l carnitine on endurance muscle build up, loss of weight and energy release; and have found no difference compared to placebo. However, if L carnitine deficiency has been demonstrated, then one will benefit from supplements.

Weight loss

Although L carnitine has been marketed as a weight loss supplement, there is no scientific evidence to date to show that it improves weight loss. Many studies have shown that l carnitine has little or no effect on the body weight. Even after consumption of L carnitine for more than a year, no effects were seen on the waist line or loss of fat. Most experts believe that L carnitine is an unnecessary ergogenic aid and a waste of money.

Available Forms

Carnitine is available as a supplement in a variety of forms, but only L carnitine (alone or formulated as to acetic or propionic acid) is recommended.

- LC carnitine is the most widely available supplement and least expensive
- L-acetylcarnitine (LAC) is sold for the treatment of dementias
- L-propionylcarnitine (LPC) is sold for the treatment of heart problems and other
vascular disorders

Most experts do not recommend D-carnitine supplements because of the undesirable side effects. L carnitine is sometimes used in hospital parenteral nutrition therapies.


L carnitine is relatively safe and the average dose varies from 500-2000 mg/day

For more on L-carnitine, visit

Benefits of L-carnitine

Antioxidant effects
L carnitine has anti oxidant effects and does provide protection to the cell membranes from oxygenated products. This anti oxidant activity provides maximim protection to the heart at cellular levels and does play a role in the prevention of atherosclerosis.

Effects on diabetes
L carnitine has been shown to improve blood sugar control in diabetics. It has been known that supplementation of L carnitine with insulin also leads to a lowering of blood cholesterol.

Food sources

The highest concentrations of L carnitine are found in red meat and dairy products. Other sources of carnitine include:

-nuts – almonds, pea nuts
-seeds- pumpkin, sunflower, sesame
-legumes- beans, peas, lentils
-vegetables - artichokes, asparagus, beet greens, broccoli, brussels sprouts
-spices- garlic, mustard greens, okra, parsley, kale
-fruits- apricots, bananas
-cereals-buckwheat, corn, millet, oatmeal, rice bran, rye, whole wheat, wheat bran, wheat germ
-miscellaneous- bee pollen, brewer's yeast


Except for some congenital conditions where L carnitine deficiency is noted, there are no other medical disorders which are treated with L carnitine. In any case, L- carnitine is recommended for some medical disorders with the belief that it may be beneficial. These conditions include:

- Heart disease, heart failure
- Those with elevated cholesterol
- Peripheral vascular disease
- Eating disorders
- Alcohol related liver disease
- Renal failure
- Infertility
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- Dementia

Its use in sports athletes is controversial.

For more on L-carnitine, visit

L Carnitine and BodyBuilding

L carnitine is widely consumed by body builders and athletes. The L-carnitine fad started about 20 years ago and some believe that it is a magical supplement. L-carnitine is a naturally occurring amino acid which is essential for the metabolism of fat. It also functions as a transporter of fatty acids into the mitochondria. Fats are essential for energy for many tissues in the body. For organs to survive, fats have to be transported across the membranes and this is supported by l carnitine.


In experimental studies L carnitine has been shown to stimulate burning of fats as fuel and spares glycogen. It is felt that this selective action of L-carnitine may provide endurance and stamina.

L carnitine is normally synthesized in the liver and kidney from a combination of two other amino acids- lysine and methionine. The majority of L- carnitine is found in the muscle tissues. L-carnitine is also available from ingestions of foods like red meat and dairy products. Despite the wide spread belief that L- carnitine deficiency is common, this is extremely rare in real life.

Some rare individuals may develop deficiency of carnitine because they cannot properly absorb this nutrient from foods that they eat. Carnitine deficiencies may be caused by genetic disorders, liver or kidney problems, high-fat diets, certain medications, and low dietary levels of the amino acids lysine and methionine (substances needed to make carnitine). Carnitine deficiency may cause symptoms such as fatigue, chest pain, muscle pain, weakness, low blood pressure, and/or confusion. Despite some reports, carnitine deficiency is extremely rare and requires laboratory testing for confirmation. When low levels are suspected, the amino acid is best obtained from foods, rather than tablets.

For more on L-carnitine, visit

Medical Uses of Branched Chain Amino Acids

While there are no disorders which have been linked to a deficiency of BCAAs, excess amount of leucine can worsen pellagra. Pellarga is a disorder of niacin deficiency which results in dementia, diarrhea and dermatitis.

Over the years, it has been observed that individuals who have tardive dyskinessia (a body movement disorder) may show some response to the BCAAs. However, not all individuals respond to BCAAs.

Other conditions where BCAAs have been tried out is in inividuals who have undergone long complicated surgeries, long term patients in the ICU, individuals who have extensive burns of the body, those with wasting disorders from cancer, HIV or renal failure. BCAAs are also a vital component of parenteral nutrition in individuals who are unable to eat.

Some studies show some benefit, whereas others show absolutely nothing.


BCAAs can be found in many foods like red meat, dairy products, chicken, fish, lentils, nuts, beans, brown rice, soy flour, whole wheat and eggs. It is extremely rare for an individual to develop a deficiency from BCAAs because they are so widely found in many foods.


For the individual who eats a normal healthy well balanced diet and is not into body building, there is absolutely no need to consume any supplement pill, including BCAAs. There is no evidence that consuming BCAAs as a pill in a normal person has any extra health benefits. However, athletes and body builders love to put something in their mouth. If it is a pill and rhymes with protein, then body builders are easily attracted to it.

While the exact dose needed to improve exercise tolerance is not known, some experts indicate that anywhere from 1-5 g/day may help. The pills come as 500 mg tablets. It is highly recommended that one take a mixture of the BCAAs. Some body builders take 2pills in the morning, 2 in the after noon and 2 at night. Others take 3 pills three times a day. One should take a balanced regimen of the BCAAs and refrain from taking just one single BCAA. In most health food stores supplements containing all three BCAAs are available.


All BCAAs are legal and there is no rule that one can’t take them.


120 capsules can cost anywhere from $10-$15.


There have been no reported side effects after consumption of BCAAs. However, some BCAAs may interfere with L-dopa which is used in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.


Individuals who have kidney or liver disorder should not take high doses of BCAAs.

For more on BCAAs, go to

BodyBuilding and Branched chain amino acids

Bodybuilders have been seeking the one magic bullet that can increase muscle mass, strength and power. The BCAAs are not anabolic. However, they do increase strength and performance.

All organs in the body have BCAAs but the highest concentrations are found in the muscles. For years, it has been known that BCAAs are essential for normal body growth and these amino acids are also vital for protein synthesis. Now the athletes seem to have taken over. Every time there is any mention of protein and a pill, bodybuilders want to consume everything in mega doses.

All three BCAAs are oxidized and help to regulate insulin levels in the body. These three BCAAs do protect muscle during normal activity and in extreme conditions do act as a source of fuel. Many studies in the laboratory have shown that the BCAAs can increase exercise performance, endurance training and oxygen consumption. Others have shown that the BCAAs play an important role in repair and healing of tissues after injury or surgery.

Studies in professional athletes has shown that a diet rich in BCAAs can not only improve performance but increases strength of the muscle. While not strictly anabolic, the BCAAs can improve tolerance to extremes of stress and exercise.

BCAAs and Exercise performance

There are some case reports and also population based studies which do indicate that BCAA are effective as performance enhancing agents. Numerous studies have shown that a diet rich in any of these three BCAAs for 6 or more weeks can lead to improvement in exercise, faster build up of muscle, increased energy and speedier recovery after injury.

One has to remember that while BCAAs can improve exercise performance, the diet should also be complimented with good nutrition. Most individuals see a difference in their exercise performance after taking these Amino acids for greater than 6 weeks. To maintain the beneficial effects, the BCAAs have to be taken for a long time.

Many bodybuilders do combine BCAAs with anabolic steroids, GH and thyroxin.

While many studies do show that BCAAs can increase endurance and power, there are a few good studies which show no affect. The reason for these confounding results is unknown- some experts believe that this may be related to fake or counterfeit products.

For more on BCAAs, go to

BCAA (Branched Chain Amino Acids) & Body Building

Branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) are naturally occurring substances which are essential for normal growth and development. The three most common BCAAs are leucine, isoleucine and valine.


The three branched-chain amino acids are dietary substances that play a variety of biochemical and physiological roles in the body. In addition to their critical role as substrates for protein synthesis, these amino acids are important regulators of a number of cellular functions. The levels of these BCAAs are delicately controlled in the body. Exercise is associated with increased oxidation of BCAA, although they remain as a minor fuel source compared with carbohydrate or fat.

Skeletal muscle is a major site for breakdown of the BCAA. This is one major difference between the BCAAs and the other dietary amino acids which are primarily broken down in the liver or intestine.

When an individual performs exercise, carbohydrates and fats are the first to be broken down. Protein breakdown is not common during regular exercise. Only during extremes of exercise is muscle broken down to generate energy. It is widely believed that once the body is preconditioned with supplements of BCAA, these amino acids in the muscle do contribute to energy production but the exact mechanisms of breakdown is not well understood.


Bodybuilders have been seeking the one magic bullet that can increase muscle mass, strength and power. The BCAAs are not anabolic. However, they do increase strength and performance.

For more on BCAAs, go to

Legal & Available Anabolic Steroids in North America

There are literally thousands of synthetic anabolic steroids. For the past 50 years, biochemists have been trying to make a steroid which will only have anabolic activity. Over the past 20 years, the majority of synthetic anabolic steroids have disappeared from the market. What is available for athletes are drugs sold on the black market. However, what is available on the black market is not always the real product and there are countless stories of fake and counterfeit products. In this review I provide you with the legally available anabolic steroids which are available in the US. All of these products mentioned here require a physician’s prescription.

Every anabolic steroid available today is a derivative of testosterone. Some have esters attached to their chemical structure to alter their shape and size. This will determine the function and rate at which the testosterone will be released after an intramuscular injection. In essence, if the ester chain is short, the testosterone will be released faster and disappear rapidly from the body. If the esters is long, the testosterone will be released slowly and remain in the body for a long time. In the body, the ester molecule is cleaved and testosterone becomes free to act on the tissues.

For more on legally available anabolic steroids, visit

Anabolic Steroids and Athletes

Are anabolic steroids effective for the athlete? This is not a simple issue because the evidence is not straightforward. The major problem with the data analysis has been that these athletes take so many other drugs and supplements, it is hard to pinpoint which agent is actually responsible for the enhanced performance.

There have been many short term studies in laboratories and anecdotal reports which have revealed that anabolic steroids do increase strength and lean body mass. Other studies have shown improved performance and endurance after taking these agents. One of the major problems with the abuse of these drugs is that there are many fake or counterfeit products on the market. And thus, there is no response seen.

Physiological effects of Testosterone and Anabolic

While all the physiological effects of testosterone appear beneficial, long term use of the steroids has been associated with a range of side effects and complications.

CNS -increased libido, anger, anxiety, depression
Hypothalamus -decreases GnRH, LH, FSH and increases GH
Larynx -lower voice
Breast -increased growth
Liver -increased LDL, decreased HDL cholesterol
Kidney -increases erythropoietin synthesis
Genitals -increases growth, spermatogenesis, erection
Prostate -increases size and secretions
Skin -increase facial and body hair, increases sebum production
Bone -increased bone density
Muscle -increased muscle mass and strength
Fat -increased fat breakdown
Blood -increased levels of red blood cells

Because of the fear of drug testing, most professional athletes take the drug off-season. There is a lot of evidence that anabolic steroid abuse is also rampant among both amateur male and female athletes. How this craze gets started remains a puzzle. It is believed that one reason many be the easier availability of the steroids. In some cases there is peer pressure, encouragement from coaches or parents. And other individuals think they have a poor body image. Whatever the reason, anabolic steroid use is widely practiced globally and with the increasing money in professional sports, the use is more likely to grow in the future.

For more information on anabolic steroids, visit

Medical uses of Anabolic Steroids

Anabolic steroids are used in clinical practice to treat a wide range of medical disorders like:

Anemia. It is known that anabolic steroids can increase release of EPO (erythropoietin) from the kidney which then results in stimulation of the bone marrow to produce more red blood cells. In very resistant cases of anemia which fails to respond to iron, sometimes anabolic steroids are administered.

There are instances when wounds in the body do not always heal with routine care measures. In such cases, a short burst of steroidal therapy can help heal chronic wounds.

There are many patients who have poor nutrition from a variety of causes. In such cases, anabolic steroids have found to be very useful. Bed ridden hospitalized patients who are wasting do respond to anabolic steroids.

In patients with severe 2nd or 3rd degree burns, anabolic steroids can help improve healing and gain weight.

The classic use of anabolic steroids has been to treat short stature, dwarfism and similar conditions. These drugs work best if the therapy is started before puberty.
There is some evidence that anabolic steroids can help improve osteoporosis. But this must be weighed against the side effects of the drugs. Today, anabolic steroids are not a standard treatment regimen for osteoporosis.

Anabolic steroids have frequently been used to treat cases of infertility, hypogonadism or failure of the testes to manufacture testosterone

Another use of anabolic steroids has been to treat the severe wasting seen in HIV patients. Today, AIDS patients are frequently treated with anabolic steroids in Europe.

Occasionally people who take corticosteroids for a long time develop muscle wasting. In these individuals, anabolic steroids may help build muscle mass.

For more on anabolic steroids visit