Gynecomastia is swelling of breast tissues. While this condition is seen in young boys and men, the cause is typically an imbalance of the two sex hormones- estrogen and testosterone. Other causes of gynecomastia include liver and kidney disease. However, in recent years, gynecomastia has also become an obvious finding in a few bodybuilders who use illicit drugs and anabolic steroids. These drugs either contain estrogen or are converted into the body into an estrogen.
Gynecomastia is not a medical disorder that is life threatening or something to be worried about. In men, gynecomastia is simply a cosmetic disorder and causes embarrassment.
The majority of individuals who take anabolic steroids do not develop breast enlargement. For those who do, the symptoms are minimal. Initially there are no symptoms but with time most individuals will notice the obvious breast swelling. Sometimes the breasts will be tender especially around the nipples. This tender feeling around the breasts for some unknown reason is not sexual but embarrassing.
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