While there are no disorders which have been linked to a deficiency of BCAAs, excess amount of leucine can worsen pellagra. Pellarga is a disorder of niacin deficiency which results in dementia, diarrhea and dermatitis.
Over the years, it has been observed that individuals who have tardive dyskinessia (a body movement disorder) may show some response to the BCAAs. However, not all individuals respond to BCAAs.
Other conditions where BCAAs have been tried out is in inividuals who have undergone long complicated surgeries, long term patients in the ICU, individuals who have extensive burns of the body, those with wasting disorders from cancer, HIV or renal failure. BCAAs are also a vital component of parenteral nutrition in individuals who are unable to eat.
Some studies show some benefit, whereas others show absolutely nothing.
BCAAs can be found in many foods like red meat, dairy products, chicken, fish, lentils, nuts, beans, brown rice, soy flour, whole wheat and eggs. It is extremely rare for an individual to develop a deficiency from BCAAs because they are so widely found in many foods.
For the individual who eats a normal healthy well balanced diet and is not into body building, there is absolutely no need to consume any supplement pill, including BCAAs. There is no evidence that consuming BCAAs as a pill in a normal person has any extra health benefits. However, athletes and body builders love to put something in their mouth. If it is a pill and rhymes with protein, then body builders are easily attracted to it.
While the exact dose needed to improve exercise tolerance is not known, some experts indicate that anywhere from 1-5 g/day may help. The pills come as 500 mg tablets. It is highly recommended that one take a mixture of the BCAAs. Some body builders take 2pills in the morning, 2 in the after noon and 2 at night. Others take 3 pills three times a day. One should take a balanced regimen of the BCAAs and refrain from taking just one single BCAA. In most health food stores supplements containing all three BCAAs are available.
All BCAAs are legal and there is no rule that one can’t take them.
120 capsules can cost anywhere from $10-$15.
There have been no reported side effects after consumption of BCAAs. However, some BCAAs may interfere with L-dopa which is used in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.
Individuals who have kidney or liver disorder should not take high doses of BCAAs.
For more on BCAAs, go to http://www.steroidsrx.com/
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