Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Coenzyme Q10 part 3


For individuals who want to build their bodies, it is recommended that one take about 200 mg/4 times a day. The total should not exceed 1200mg. CoQ10 is also available as a Soya bean oil suspension which can be pasted on the skin or applied on gums in the mouth.

The pills are available in most health food stores. Because there is concern about the quality and quantity of CoQ10 in each formulation, it is highly recommended that one go to a reputable dealer. Fakes and contaminants in health supplements are not unheard off.

Side effects

CoQ10 is generally regarded as a safe supplement. However, there is not enough scientific data to recommend its use in children, pregnant females or those who are breast feeding.

The most common side effects of CoQ10 are an itch or a rash. This resolves when the supplement is discontinued. Other rare side effects of CoQ10 include stomach upset, nausea, diarrhea and headaches.

Diabetic should be warned that CoQ10 can lower levels of blood sugars and they need to monitor the sugar levels more closely when taking this supplement.
CoQ10 has also been found to lower the blood pressure in some individuals.

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