Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Androstenedione 101 part 3


Another reason why androstenedione is preferred by athletes is that when the steroids is taken orally, levels of the drug decline very rapidly. This makes it undetectable within a few hours or even days. Because androstenedione levels can not be reliably measured, levels of testosterone are measured instead. The ratio of testosterone and epitestosterone is normally between 2-3:1. individuals who pump steroids can alter this ratio. Androstenedione can alter this ratio to about 10:1 or higher. According to the Olympic Committee, when this ratio is greater than 6:1, it is considered positive for abuse of anabolic steroids. Most athletes take androstenedione for a few months and then stop it a few weeks before a sporting event. This will gradually diminish levels of testosterone and hence avoid detection.


Androstendione is available in various formulations. It can be taken as a pill, injection or a spray. The spray is usually placed underneath the tongue and results in very rapid absorption of the steroid. The dose of androstenedione is variable. Some bodybuilders take 100mg/day and others take 300 mg/day. The drug is taken for a few months for the best results. When androstenedione is taken as a pill, majority of it goes to the liver where it is immediately broken down into inactive metabolites. There are also other formulations of androstenedione which come as pastes or gels. These gels are simply rubbed or applied on skin and are slowly absorbed into the body. Their effectiveness is questionable because levels of androstenedione found in the body are very low. For Androstenedione to work as a anabolic steroid, it must be converted into testosterone.

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