Thursday, April 16, 2009

Prohormones & Bodybuilding 101 part 4


The majority of prohormones which are available on the black market can be taken either as oral pills or oily suspensions which have to be injected. In most cases, the prohormones have a poor absorption rate when orally ingested. For better bioavailability, it is recommended that one buy the oily suspensions. The oily suspensions do sting when injected and the site has to be rotated.

Prohormones have to be taken for at least 4-6 weeks and cycled with other drugs to have the best effect. Not all prohormones work the same way in all individuals. Some individuals have different metabolism or enzyme activities and thus the conversion to testosterone may vary. Only a process or trial and error can tell which is the best prohormone for you. Be patient, exercise, eat a decent high protein diet and give yourself at least 4-8 weeks to see the results. If the drug works for you, gradually increase the dose in the next cycle. While stacking is hyped, this is a myth. The body can only build so much muscle at anyone point in time. People encourage stacking primarily because the first drug is ineffective. If the drug works, stick to it. Stacking also increases the chance of side effects.

Where to buy

There are many websites selling prohormones. Because of fakes or counterfeits, get a referral to a reputable site. Join a blog and ask questions. Many Mexican website do sell prohormones which are quite cheap. However, there is always a question about quality and quantity with these Mexican products. In the majority of cases, the prohormone is sold under a different name and often advertised as a health supplement.


One should not believe that prohormones cannot be detected in blood or urine. The sophisticated testing systems available today can easily identify almost any anabolic steroid in the urine anywhere from 5-22 days after the last dose.

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